What recently sold in Baldwin Park?
The past 90 days, there were 36 real estate transactions in this Orlando Neighborhood, of which 15 were single family homes sold in BaldwinPark. There were also condo and townhomes sold in Baldwin Park. Here a list of homes that sold in Baldwin Park plus real estate statistics.
The median price for a Baldwin Park single family home sold in the past 90 days is $479,500 with 3130 square feet and four bedrooms and 3 full baths.
Baldwin Park Sold Homes Report | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Homes that Sold In Baldwin Park-Orlando the last 90 days:
LISTING PRICE: $289,000 5356 PENWAY DR 3 2/1 1,673 sq/ft - SOLD: $280,000 11/08/11
LISTING PRICE: $304,900 1619 HANKS AVE 3 2/1 1,941 sq/ft - SOLD: $309,100 11/17/11
LISTING PRICE: $305,000 5239 BASKIN ST 3 2/1 1,998 sq/ft - SOLD: $285,000 12/07/11
LISTING PRICE: $315,000 4108 HAWS LN 3 2/0 1,781 sq/ft - SOLD: $309,000 12/27/11
LISTING PRICE: $427,900 5139 DORWIN PL 4 3/1 2,704 sq/ft - SOLD: $427,900 01/11/12
LISTING PRICE: $460,000 5172 DORWIN PL 5 4/1 3,752 sq/ft - SOLD: $479,500 01/19/12
LISTING PRICE: $479,000 1119 FERN AVE 3 2/1 2,679 sq/ft - SOLD: $452,000 12/29/11
LISTING PRICE: $484,900 3838 HAWS LN 3 2/1 2,731 sq/ft - SOLD: $443,000 11/07/11
LISTING PRICE: $579,000 3009 STANFIELD AVE 5 3/1 3,139 sq/ft - SOLD: $535,000 01/24/12
LISTING PRICE: $599,900 3677 UPPER UNION RD 5 3/1 3,800 sq/ft - SOLD: $600,000 12/22/11
LISTING PRICE: $614,900 2820 STANFIELD AVE 5 4/1 3,738 sq/ft - SOLD: $585,000 11/21/11
LISTING PRICE: $625,000 2049 BIDDLE ALLEY 4 4/0 3,130 sq/ft - SOLD: $610,000 11/04/11
LISTING PRICE: $875,000 2715 MEETING PL 5 5/1 4,456 sq/ft - SOLD: $848,000 12/09/11
LISTING PRICE: $978,041 2763 MEETING PL 5 6/1 4,883 sq/ft - SOLD: $978,041 11/07/11
LISTING PRICE: $1,250,000 2000 ROBIN RD 4 4/1 4,994 sq/ft - SOLD: $1,098,000 01/09/12
Data on real estate sales for Orlando is provided by
Bedrooms: 3 Property Style: Single Family Home Full/Half Baths: 2 / 1 Year Built: 2005 SqFt: 1,673
SOLD: $280,000
There were also 6 condo and 15 townhomes that sold in Baldwin Park in the past 90 days (ending on 1/27/2012). The median sold price for townhomes and condos for those 90 days is $270,00 with a median square footage of 2081 Here is a list of condos and townhomes that sold in Baldwin Park through the Mid Florida MLS .
Baldwin Park Sold Townhomes & Condos Report | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Condos and Townhomes that Sold In Baldwin Park-Orlando the last 90 days:
LISTING PRICE: $157,000 4281 ANISSA AVE # 101 3 2 1,410 sq/ft - SOLD: $149,900 11/01/11
LISTING PRICE: $159,000 2608 MEETING PL # 202 3 2/0 1,307 sq/ft - SOLD: $176,501 11/18/11
LISTING PRICE: $169,236 1532 COMMON WAY RD # 203 3 2/0 1,434 sq/ft - SOLD: $175,000 10/31/11
LISTING PRICE: $174,900 4249 CORRINE DR # 8-201 2 2/0 1,434 sq/ft - SOLD: $174,900 01/12/12
LISTING PRICE: $199,000 1326 CHATFIELD PL # 3 2 2/1 2,120 sq/ft - SOLD: $195,000 12/29/11
LISTING PRICE: $235,000 2783 UPPER PARK RD # 000 3 2/1 1,818 sq/ft - SOLD: $203,000 12/12/11
LISTING PRICE: $244,900 1864 PROSPECT AVE # 1864 3 3/1 2,420 sq/ft - SOLD: $227,000 11/16/11
LISTING PRICE: $248,900 4542 VIRGINIA DR # 4542 3 3/1 1,871 sq/ft - SOLD: $220,000 12/14/11
LISTING PRICE: $252,500 1699 PROSPECT AVE # 0 3 3/1 2,062 sq/ft - SOLD: $247,500 10/31/11
LISTING PRICE: $264,900 1709 PROSPECT AVE # 1709 3 3/2 2,340 sq/ft - SOLD: $270,000 11/23/11
LISTING PRICE: $289,000 1978 MEETING PL # 201 3 2/0 1,801 sq/ft - SOLD: $275,000 11/18/11
LISTING PRICE: $289,900 1751 FIREHOUSE LN # 205 3 2/0 1,801 sq/ft - SOLD: $263,500 11/14/11
LISTING PRICE: $292,552 2022 PROSPECT AVE # 2 3 3/1 2,081 sq/ft - SOLD: $277,235 11/14/11
LISTING PRICE: $292,947 2013 COULSON ALY # 1828 3 3/1 2,262 sq/ft - SOLD: $292,947 11/17/11
LISTING PRICE: $294,700 2037 COULSON ALY # 1796 3 2/2 2,201 sq/ft - SOLD: $294,700 11/17/11
LISTING PRICE: $294,718 2036 BRINK ALY # 1817 3 2/2 2,208 sq/ft - SOLD: $294,718 11/09/11
LISTING PRICE: $299,000 2234 OSPREY AVE 3 2/1 1,912 sq/ft - SOLD: $292,000 11/07/11
LISTING PRICE: $308,568 2028 PROSPECT AVE # 1828 3 3/1 2,262 sq/ft - SOLD: $301,065 01/05/12
LISTING PRICE: $309,900 1871 BRITLYN ALY # 2 3 3/2 2,404 sq/ft - SOLD: $296,900 11/16/11
LISTING PRICE: $337,999 2040 PROSPECT AVE 3 3/1 2,208 sq/ft - SOLD: $325,000 12/19/11
LISTING PRICE: $349,000 2237 OSPREY AVE # 2237 4 3/0 2,320 sq/ft - SOLD: $340,000 01/12/12
Data on real estate sales for Orlando is provided by
What Homes are for sale today in Baldwin Park-Orlando? If you are wondering what is currently for sale in Orlando's Baldwin Park neighborhood, just head over to my Orlando real estate site. You can take a look at *all* the current Baldwin Park listings with multiple pictures on the Mid Florida MLS and you won't have to register. I hate push marketing so I don't spam or hound anyone, ever. In fact if you call me and don't leave a message, I will not dial back to call you back. If you do leave me a specific message be sure to include what you property you are interested in. I return calls very promptly. While you are over there you can also look at other Orlando listings by neighborhood.